Cots & Aprons

Our expertise over 5 decades in supplying spinning machinery, our endeavor to add value to customers in enhancing performance and continual improvement process enhancement have led to the introduction of “Formula Series Cots and Aprons”. Though small in size, Cots and Aprons significantly contribute to the quality of the end product. Cots and Aprons are manufactured with an exclusive state-of-the -art technology to cater to the requirement of end product.
Formula Series Cots
The success of Cots depends on the consistency of maintaining the surface characteristics like structure, finish and the ability y to maintain the desired surface roughness value (Ra). Besides the above characteristics,formula Series Cots provide good resistance to abrasion, heat, pressure and fibre lapping.
Salient Features
Good resilience and compression set properties and better fibre control result in,
- Minimal yarn breakage
- Avoid possible damage to aprons
- Better realizations
- Good anti-static properties and enhanced surface resistance
- Ensures minimal lapping and end breakage rates
- Wide range of counts can be processed
Though the core Cots have found their right place in today’s spinning application, when high and consistent quality is in demand, the ultimate solution is Alucore. Alucore Cots are totally stress-free, due to the interference fit.
LMW recommends Alucore Cots, as value addition, to ensure quality consistency.
Range of Formula Series Cots
R – Series for Ringframe Application
S – Series for Speedframe Application
Formula Series Aprons
- “Single apron for Universal application” – Obviously formula Series Aprons are the right choice for the customer.
Other Salient Features
Good running performance, High flexibility and cushion properties exercise good fibre control, excellent wear / abrasion / chemical resistance, retain surface characteristics – silky finish and suppleness during life time.