LMW Suction Compact System - 

Spinpact- LMW Compact System is developed for achieving Superior Productivity with Unrivalled Quality and Energy Efficiency. It is an Ultimate Compact System to produce a fully Compacted yarn for different applications of Weaving and Knitting.
This Innovation from LMW helps in ease of operation and ease of maintenance thus improving the overall effective utilization of the system.
- Positive driven perforated apron for better compacting
- Suction nozzle with unique cross section made with Special Aluminium alloy
- Eight Spindle drive for enhanced suction management and easy maintenance
- Top suction system for user friendliness
- Special geometry for prolonged compacting and hence matchless lower hairiness and better strength of yarn
- Different tension drafts for processing Cotton and MMF
- Can be retrofitted in all Ring frame models
- Ready to make single and SIRO compact
- Inverter controlled Compact Suction motor to adjust & fine-tune the required Compact suction pressure