Comber LK64 Z

Comber LK64 Z with technological speeds of upto 500 NPM, incorporated with (MCDP Plus) is designed to produce upto 1.7 tons/day of combed sliver. This technology, combined with specially profiled, light weight aluminium alloy Nippers and reduced number of moving parts, assists high speeds and productivity
- Speed up to 500 npm (Technological)
- Production up to 1.7 Tons/day
- Mathematical Modelling of Combing Dynamics & Process PLUS Technology (MCDPPlus)
- 3/3 pneumatically loaded drafting system
- Specially profiled light weight aluminium alloy nippers
- Piecing assistance in drafting zone
- Modular construction
- Suitable to extract wide range of noil (based on Raw Material and End Quality requirement)
- Automatic spool change from Lap trolley to comber