Lap Former LH15

The design of the technological components plays an impor tant role in enhancing the productivity of the machine. In Lap Former LH15, the patented lap roller profile and its optimized groove guarantees a constant average speed for all counts. Double optimized grip by lap roller ensure better lap formation. This is a major contributing factor for high productivity of upto 520 kg/hr.
- PRO-IN control system for better lap preparation
- Average delivery speed up to 150 m/min (depending on raw material)
- Production of up to 520 kg/hr
- User friendly touch screen display for better navigation
- Ergonomically designed positively driven creel for sliver feed with sensor activation control through display
- Automatic lap doffing with Minimum doffing time ensures higher efficiency and productivity
- Lap Transport System feature helps automatic transfer of prepared lap from Lap Former to Comber without manual intervention, thus saves considerable amount of time and inventory cost.